Optimising Processes For The Future Of Remote Work

Photo by Kornél Máhl on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Today, remote working is quickly becoming a norm in SMEs. As digital transformation continues transforming all industries, many SMEs are embracing the flexible, remote way of working. Remote working does more than give employees greater flexibility and a chance to work from home. […]

How The COO Is The Secret Ingredient To A Successful Company

How The COO Is The Secret Ingredient To A Successful Company

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   The chief operating officer (COO) is an executive team member responsible for managing a company’s people, culture, and processes. They are number two at a company, reporting to the CEO, and are virtually like a CEO’s right-hand person. As second-in-command, they serve as […]

Five Ways Businesses Can Effect Radical Change During An Economic Downturn

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Everyone knows the business world is constantly changing. New technologies, new markets, and competitors are just a few challenges businesses face. Change is a constant you can always count on. But what does it mean for companies in times of economic decline? What […]

Is There A Case For Appointing A Digital Transformation Officer?

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   When looking at the C-suite, one can tell what direction the business is going with the appearance of new positions like the chief transformation officer, chief change officer, and digital transformation officer. These jobs respond to fast-moving market and customer trends and the […]

4 Tips to Reduce the Spiralling Cost of Employing Staff in SMEs

Photo by rc.xyz NFT gallery on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   With increasing living costs, businesses are looking for ways to lower operating costs and improve profitability. Many small-to-medium businesses find they can do so by cutting the costs of hiring employees. However, with the rise in minimum wages and staff benefits like holidays […]

Innovation And Productivity Risk:  What Are The Impacts On The Workplace

Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   The world is changing so fast that even established businesses must operate as startups. Operational effectiveness and flexibility have become the prerequisites to long-term success. B2B companies need to prove to their end customers that they can provide quality products today while also […]

How To Hire The Right Staff For Your Startup

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Hiring top talent for your startup is crucial to building a sustainable organisation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to hiring. Just think about the skills and competencies required in different industries, business models, and different functions in your business. Technology is a critical […]

Behind any successful digital transformation is a data-driven culture

A data-driven culture

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Today’s enterprise operations are intrinsically linked to the IT systems and infrastructures that sustain them. Yet, many businesses are not seeing their expected returns for all their investments. Over the last several years, there has been a massive movement toward digitising business processes and […]

How to Improve Financial Management at Your Business

Improve the Financial Management of your Business

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Financial management is indispensable for any company of any size. Proper financial management is crucial, whether you are a new business owner or have been in business for a while. As a small business owner, understanding your finances is essential to running your business. […]

Why Organisational Resilience Is More Crucial Now Than Ever

Organisational resilience

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Organisational resilience has emerged as a critical differentiator between thriving and struggling companies. The pandemic and other global crises have highlighted the importance of resilience — not just as a reactive strategy but as a proactive business imperative. What Is Organisational Resilience? Organisational resilience […]

Digital workforces: Automation processes in workforces for SMEs

Photo by Katja Anokhina on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   We have already seen how the digital workforce, from automotive robots and CNC machines to the IoT, has integrated into the supply chain to its current incarnation as RPAs, chatbots, and digital assistants. A critical factor in using digital workers is that robots […]

Help! My business partner is from another planet

Help! My business partner is from another planet

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. As a business grows, pressure can bring personal differences to the surface you didn’t know existed. My experience has put me in touch with many start-ups in various capacities in strategy, operations, product, marketing and business development, to name only a few. I have worked with […]

When you only need 48 hours in every day

When you only need 48 hours in every day

Note: join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Too much to do, too little time? If that’s the story of your life right now as you run a small business, then you need to make important changes. Changes that may help your sanity, your relationships, and your business’s bottom line. Does this sound like […]

What is the key to successful innovation?


Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post.   What’s the secret to innovation? Is it all about having work spaces peppered with chill-out zones, ping-pong tables and climbing walls? Actually, the truth is far more down to earth. There’s a myth that floats around in business circles sometimes. It goes like […]

Should Leaders Wait Until Monday Morning to Send Their Weekend Emails to Staff?

out of hours emails

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post.   We’ve all been there—working outside hours, trying to get ahead or catch up. But sending emails to staff during their downtime can backfire badly. And here’s why … In 2019, the average office worker received 90 emails per day. But it’s the occasional messages […]

Company Strategy? I’ll have mine “to go”, please …

Strategy as you go

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Do you hate boardroom brainstorms— with those over-excited colleagues, the bizarre ideas and a whiteboard covered in random words? The great news is that strategic decision-making is changing for the better at smart companies. Most of us have lost many hours of our […]

How can small businesses punch above their weight when attracting talent?

How can small businesses punch above their weight when attracting talent?

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. Are the brightest people always attracted to large enterprises? And if so, how do smaller companies stand any chance of winning and retaining their talents? If you’re a small business owner, then hiring the right people can make a huge difference to the success […]

Three fatal mistakes for fledgling entrepreneurs starting out

Three fatal mistakes for fledgling entrepreneurs starting out

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. Do you ever find you’re so busy with your fledgling company? Maybe you don’t work normal hours, take holidays or even have time to attend your own birthday party? If so, it’s a symptom of a bigger problem. But it’s fixable.   The launch […]

Why staff reviews are essential to growing your business

Why staff reviews are essential to growing your business

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. Many see staff reviews as an outdated method of measurement, but they are essential to keep on top of business growth and see where your employees are excelling. The key to useful staff reviews is not to make it entirely target oriented but to […]

How important is education for business owners and entrepreneurs?

How important is education for business owners and entrepreneurs?

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Sometimes entrepreneurs consider further study in the hope it can prepare them for the future. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to education for business owners. An engineer by education, and a product manager by role, I had built up […]

The secret to successful staff reviews

The secret to successful staff reviews

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. As a business owner, tracking and keeping on top of company growth is a number one priority, especially in the early years of the business. However, it’s important to focus on how those results come to be as opposed to focusing solely on what […]

Business culture wars: Who wins?

Business culture wars: Who wins?

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post.   If you’re a CEO or senior executive, here’s a big question for you: Are your employees frozen by a fear of failing to meet specific goals? And if so, is there an alternative to the performance-based culture that’s so common across the corporate […]

Do you want famine or feast?

Do you want famine or feast?

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Imagine you’re ravenous — and someone brings you plates of your two favourite dishes. You like them equally and both are the same distance away on the table. Which do you choose — or is there a very real risk you’ll starve because you just […]

The Five Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Expanding Abroad

Expanding abroad? Here's how to start.

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. For fast-growing businesses, international expansion often seems like the natural next step. Whether the idea has been long in the making or driven by the sudden discovery of a lucrative opportunity, moving into new markets can unlock substantial growth. However, it also presents significant risks. Expanding […]

The entrepreneurial vision: built to last

The entrepreneurial vision: built to last

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. “You don’t always need an exit plan – especially with small companies, where life and business are really interwoven,” says Stefano Maifreni, founder of business-expansion consultancy Eggcelerate. “It all depends on what you want to do: do you want to conquer the world, or do you […]

High-flyers: loose cannons or your greatest asset?

High-flyers: loose cannons or your greatest asset?

Note: join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Stefano Maifreni, founder of business expansion consultancy Eggcelerate, found himself wondering what to do with something of a high-flyer when he appointed a new expert in operations and enterprise resource planning (ERP). “It was a pretty rare skill set in our arena,” says Maifreni, “and […]