Running an SME brings unique challenges.

Your world moves fast, and resources such as time, skills and people are always scarce. One day you’re on the brink of a big deal, the next you are fire-fighting and micromanaging.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Simple changes can save you from the pain of running a business. We can help you interconnect thoughts and actions, while adopting a down-to-earth approach that leaves bandwidth for learning and adaptation.

We’ll provide the answers you need and put them into effect
Our consultation starts with up to one day free of charge. We assess whether we think we can add value and make a difference. Our goal is not to extract money from you. We turn down assignments unless whether sure a Client will profit from our expertise. That’s why you will receive lots of questions from us at the outset, rather than instant answers.

We activate your strategy without overthinking

We believe in an emerging, rather than a deliberate, strategy: setting the direction is of paramount importance, but the execution is essential if you run a small business. We are good listeners: we don't force your business to fit a framework. Instead, we keep an open mind and choose the best framework from our knowledge base to your specific issues – or take a completely fresh approach based on sound business principles. We'll provide the answers you need and put them into effect while leaving some bandwidth for learning, change and adaptation.

We’re committed experts, not ‘consultants’

Forget the “advise, bill and run” approach, jacket and tie, glossy presentation, high bill, and no execution. We don’t suddenly appear, make a few general observations and then vanish, leaving you with a hefty bill and the burden of implementation. We’re willing to work hand-in-hand with your business at a deeper employee level and bring the strategy to life with you. You can trust us. We’re open, honest, knowledgeable, committed and genuinely care about making your company a success

You buy from us tangible results, not timesheets.

We never lock a Client into long term auto-renewable engagements: we propose short-term contracts with clear deliverables and measurable benefits. Unless you prefer otherwise, we will bill you by the outcome, as we believe it has a tangible value for you rather than the time we might have spent working on it. When you go to a restaurant, do you pay for the ingredients or the dish and the experience? You can rest assured that our interests are aligned with yours, and we are not just making the clock tick and the bill increase.

We see the ‘big picture’ and can make success sustainable

Expanding profitably is excellent news for any company. But it often leads to ‘growing pains’ as the business needs to reshape and re-organise around different objectives, products/services and customers. Our experts will enable you to plan so that you can prepare for these extra challenges in advance. This way, you can adapt quickly, avoid the pressures of unforeseen consequences and protect the morale of your staff. With our help, you can make your profitability and growth sound and sustainable.

Don’t overthink your strategy, Eggcelerate it.