
Is the B2B newsletter dead?

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Are you discovering that B2B email newsletters are generating fewer leads than you’d hoped — or maybe none at all? If so, then it’s time to change tactics if you want to breathe life into your marketing.

B2B marketing has its fashions — and its vested interests. Sometimes various services promoted actively by marketing agencies will chime with target audiences. But sometimes there’s a dull thud as a trustworthy communications channel finally keels over and expires.

And it’s my sad duty to report the death of the B2B newsletter.

Now, let me be clear: I’m not suggesting that B2B newsletters have disappeared entirely. There will be signs of life in your inbox – and more likely in your spam folder too. But they’re as good as finished in mainstream business when it comes to open rates and quality leads.

Here are three reasons why:

  1. Information overload: Today’s target audiences have too much to wade through already and have many other channels they prefer as a way to find their news — and better news.
  1. Micro tasking: People’s busy lives are now peppered by zillions of small actions, completed in a few clicks. Reading a newsletter is too big a time investment for the payback anticipated.
  1. Irrelevance: Newsletter content is broad (“something for everyone”) which often means that 80 to 90% isn’t attractive at all. How many of us would watch a TV show that was only 10% interesting?

What shall we do instead?

Social media gets masses of attention for a host of reasons. Some marketing agencies will love to work with your budgets and keep the posts coming. With B2C marketing, this may


Please read the full article on Business Advice.

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