
How important is education for business owners and entrepreneurs?

How important is education for business owners and entrepreneurs?

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Sometimes entrepreneurs consider further study in the hope it can prepare them for the future. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to education for business owners.

An engineer by education, and a product manager by role, I had built up a variety of skills and experience by the time I moved to London. I knew that it was time to find a way to piece all that I had learned into a single value proposition that I could use throughout my career.

I’ve never been someone to stay stagnant and decided to complete the Executive MBA with the London Business School, after quite a few years in the corporate world.

I have a good understanding of the corporate world, expertise of commercial strategy, a technical and engineering background and a strategic commercial outlook. Combining these means that clients who are looking for someone who is truly able to understand their environment get what they need through my ability to perform cross-functionally.

I wouldn’t have achieved this without an MBA.

A firm grip on professionalism

Business owners, as well as employees, should always keep a firm grip on their professionalism. While employees shouldn’t delegate their professional growth to their employer, business owners should be careful about their business creating a glass ceiling for them. Busy with running their own company, they might lose sight of their development and become the barrier to grow for their own business.

However, business-related higher education shouldn’t be looked at in isolation as a panacea. In my case, for example, the MBA was, though essential, complements my professional experience and technical skills. And I’m probably not finished yet!


Please read the full article on SmallBusiness.

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