
Optimising Processes For The Future Of Remote Work

Photo by Kornél Máhl on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Today, remote working is quickly becoming a norm in SMEs. As digital transformation continues transforming all industries, many SMEs are embracing the flexible, remote way of working. Remote working does more than give employees greater flexibility and a chance to work from home. […]

How The COO Is The Secret Ingredient To A Successful Company

How The COO Is The Secret Ingredient To A Successful Company

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   The chief operating officer (COO) is an executive team member responsible for managing a company’s people, culture, and processes. They are number two at a company, reporting to the CEO, and are virtually like a CEO’s right-hand person. As second-in-command, they serve as […]

Five Ways Businesses Can Effect Radical Change During An Economic Downturn

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Everyone knows the business world is constantly changing. New technologies, new markets, and competitors are just a few challenges businesses face. Change is a constant you can always count on. But what does it mean for companies in times of economic decline? What […]

Forget Digital Transformation: Data Transformation Is What You Need Now

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Digital transformation is a new mantra for organisations looking to stay ahead of digital-age competitors. Companies must look at ways to modernise and optimise operations to keep up. There has been much hype about digital transformation in the past few years. It is […]

4 Tips to Reduce the Spiralling Cost of Employing Staff in SMEs

Photo by rc.xyz NFT gallery on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   With increasing living costs, businesses are looking for ways to lower operating costs and improve profitability. Many small-to-medium businesses find they can do so by cutting the costs of hiring employees. However, with the rise in minimum wages and staff benefits like holidays […]

4 SME Priorities To Ensure Business Growth And Success

Photo by Ch_pski on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   The years 2020 and 2021 will be remembered for a long time by many UK-based small and medium-sized businesses as a period when they regrouped and redefined how they did business. As we head towards the halfway point in 2022, those businesses enjoy […]

Innovation And Productivity Risk:  What Are The Impacts On The Workplace

Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   The world is changing so fast that even established businesses must operate as startups. Operational effectiveness and flexibility have become the prerequisites to long-term success. B2B companies need to prove to their end customers that they can provide quality products today while also […]

Using Buyer Personae to drive collaboration in B2B

Buyer Personae in B2B

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. As you probably already know, Buyer Personae play a decisive role in the marketing strategy of your B2B company. Beyond that, their use can become a unifying force that helps your company’s resources work together to achieve optimal results. Buyer personae are not just a marketing […]

How To Hire The Right Staff For Your Startup

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Hiring top talent for your startup is crucial to building a sustainable organisation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to hiring. Just think about the skills and competencies required in different industries, business models, and different functions in your business. Technology is a critical […]

Why you can’t grow your business as fast as you wish

Why you cant grow as fast as you wish

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Company growth is the most common starting point in discussions with CEOs and founders, and it is the right starting point, but the equation goes something like this: if I want to expand my business, I need to find new customers and help with […]

How SMEs Can Develop Effective Strategies in the Industry 4.0 Age

Industry 4.0

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Today, leaders are faced with the task of switching to Industry 4.0 and driving their organisations forward. The market is changing at an astonishing pace, product lifecycles are becoming shorter, innovation is accelerating rapidly, and C-Suite executives in SMEs are struggling to keep up. The transition […]

Top 5 Rules to Develop a Business Plan

Business Growth

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. If the question of how to start and grow your business keeps you awake at night, you are not alone. Sooner or later, you’ll come to terms with the fact that you have to devote time to developing a business plan. Developing an effective […]

Digital workforces: Automation processes in workforces for SMEs

Photo by Katja Anokhina on Unsplash

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   We have already seen how the digital workforce, from automotive robots and CNC machines to the IoT, has integrated into the supply chain to its current incarnation as RPAs, chatbots, and digital assistants. A critical factor in using digital workers is that robots […]

Common Barriers To Business Growth Today And How To Overcome Them

Common Barriers To Business Growth Today And How To Overcome Them

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. No matter how passionate you are about your business and how many hours you log in, you will face many obstacles on the road to success. Here are some of the challenges to your business growth. The uncertainty and economic turbulence following the COVID-19 […]

How SMEs can cross new frontiers and boost revenue during this time

How SMEs can cross new frontiers and boost revenue

Note: join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Many SMEs have great stories to tell. If you have a vision, you will not stop sharing and listening. That vision grows then into a pitch. As soon as you get financing, a product launch follows, you gain traction in the market, and the business starts to […]

How small companies suddenly transform into global players

How small companies suddenly transform into global players

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. How can a small enterprise grow into a fast-moving global player, doing business across Europe, the Middle East, Russia and Brazil? As one family company discovered, it’s about much more than having a website in different languages. Deeper changes make all the difference. Founded […]

Company Strategy? I’ll have mine “to go”, please …

Strategy as you go

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Do you hate boardroom brainstorms— with those over-excited colleagues, the bizarre ideas and a whiteboard covered in random words? The great news is that strategic decision-making is changing for the better at smart companies. Most of us have lost many hours of our […]

Expanding abroad? What you need to know first.

Expanding abroad? Here's how to start.

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Are you thinking of selling globally — and hoping to win new customers and secure big profits? If so, then you need to tread carefully. But don’t be put off.   There’s a point in the entrepreneurial journey when expanding abroad seems the right thing to […]

Should you focus on growth or profit?

Expanding in 2018: Should you focus on growth or profit?

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. Extra funding can be a huge boost for any small business with a burning desire to expand. But how should you spend an influx of cash? Should you go for growth or profit? Scaling up can be a make-or-break moment. Perhaps your launch went […]

Big versus Small: Which is better?

Big versus Small: Which is better?

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. Towards the end of last year, I was invited to FT Innovate, a flagship event organised by FT Live, the global events arm of the Financial Times. It was an intense two days of presentations, meetings and discussions. I met many interesting people and attended a […]

Why Marketing can be your best friend or your worst enemy

Why Marketing can be your best friend or your worst enemy

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. Giving birth to a new product can feel awesome. You’re full of pride as your idea comes to life, passes important tests and gets ready for the big wide world. But your product needs a partner, someone who will help your product to blossom. […]

“Loyalty as you go”: Capitalising on a new business phenomenon

“Loyalty as you go”: Capitalising on a new business phenomenon

Note: sign up to our newsletter here if you like this post. According to studies, traditional brand fidelity is declining. This is bad news for large, established players. But it’s a golden opportunity for SMEs to capitalise on a new phenomenon… “loyalty as you go”. “Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM”. This well-known axiom from decades […]

Winter 2016-17 Survey: the results

Winter 2016-17 Survey: the results

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post. A Survey on 200+ European Business shows 20%+ of UK-based have been impacted by the vote to leave the EU DATA 202 EU-based SMEs Of which, 126 UK-based Of which, 30 (23.8%) had at least one project impacted by the vote These companies said at least one […]

What’s the secret sauce for business growth?

What’s the secret sauce for business growth?

Note: Join our B2B Community here if you like this post.   Sooner or later, most small or medium-sized companies reach a major crossroads. Business has been good in previous years — but how do you take things to the next level? Is there one change you can make to guarantee successful growth? I’ve worked with […]

Are you allergic to consultants?

Are you allergic to consultants?

Note: sign up to our B2B Community here if you like this post. Over the years, I have worked with many clients who managed to grow their businesses, often with a difficult change at some level. They all managed to do it successfully and achieve their goals. However, they all had had experience with consultants who came […]